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Last reviews

Виктория Паранина noted

We really enjoyed this authentic Japanese cafe! I highly recommend to take a set of yakitori and to try a matcha cheesecake.

Charles C noted

A real Japanese restaurant with good products and a nice setting. The taste is not yet up to the best but it is promising!

Kim Anne Nguyen noted

A first for us As beautiful as it is good! It's been a long time since I had such a good Peking duck and a good homemade ravioli soup. The place is very pretty and clean, the service fast and friendly. I recommend ++

Opening hours

  • Mon - Sat : 11h30-14h30, 18h30-22h30
  • Sun: Closed
  • Opens at 11:30

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167 Gd Rue de la Guillotière
69007 Lyon, France

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